MAST Status File ---------------- Version 1.5.0 ------------- Added support for multipath trasactions, with join (barrier), fork (multicast) and merge (concentrator) event handlers, restricted to single input event transactions. Multipath transactions are only supported under the holistic analysis technique, which is the most pessimistic for distributed systems. Suport under other analysis techniques is left as future work, since it requires developing new theory. New restrictions are introduced, in particular the Restricted_Multipath_Transactions which implies no branch (delivery or query servers) event handlers and only one single external event in each transaction. Version --------------- Made many changes to graphical tools to migrate to Gtkada 3.x Changed the exit conditions for the analysis tools, allowing them to terminate when no timing requirements are specified and response times get very high Changed the analysis for rate divisors. The equivalent model for analysis consiste of dupicating the tasks before the rate divisor and imposing offsets before the duplicates. Eliminated the file type and version lines in the mast model and mast results XML files. Version --------------- New offset based tools: slanted, brute force now, the default tool is the slanted offset based analysis New Restrictions: - No_Rate_Divisors_In_Multipath_Transactions. This restriction is created in anticipation of the implementation of the analysis for multipath transactions. - No_Hard_Local_Deadlines. This restriction will be eliminated when the analysis for local deadlines is implemented New consistency check: Periods are non null (including min-interarrivals, polling periods ticker periods or replenishment periods) Fixed the analysis of rate divisors Fixed a bug related to the comparison of floating point numbers that led to non convergence of the analysis in some particular cases. Fixed a bug by which Operation slacks were not calculated Fixed a bug with the graphical editor when reading names in the list of reserved names Added a warning when there are no hard timing requirements in the system Version --------------- Fixed the way in which the analysis tool of a processor is chosen Version --------------- Fixed some minor bugs Version --------------- Added the Analysis functionality to the gmasteditor. Version --------------- This version introduces the following major changes: - New package Mast.Linear_Task_Analysis_Tools which contains the analysis for heterogeneous distributed systems. It includes the following procedures of type Task_Analysis_Tool that will perform the analysis in each processing resource individually: - Holistic_Task_FP() - Holistic_Task_EDF_Local() - Holistic_Task_EDF_Global() - Offset_Based_Task_FP() - Offset_Based_Unoptimized_Task_FP() Procedure Initialize_Processor_Analysis_Accesses() assigns the correct task analysis tool to each processing resource, according to its scheduler (FP or EDF), and the user input (User_Analysis,isLocal) stored in The_System (of type Mast.Systems.System) Main procedure Distributed_RTA() iterates the system, and executes the correct task analysis assigned by Initialize_Processor_Analysis_Accesses() This new analysis will take into consideration the factor Stop_Factor_When_Not_Schedulable, which indicates a task response-time upper limit that, if reached, will have the following consequences: - Affected task's response time is set to Large_Time - Affected task's jitter time is set to Large_Time - Affected task's Model is changed to Unbounded_Effects The upper limit is calculated as : - Analysis_Bound = Dij * Stop_Factor_When_Not_Schedulable - New package Mast.Linear_Scheduling_Parameters_Assignment_Tools encloses the new HOSPA (Heuristic Optimized Scheduling Parametres Assignment) procedure for the assignment and optimization of scheduling parameters in heterogenous distributed systems. It is a combination of HOPA and HOSDA, so it follows their same principles in relation to initialization, optimization and finalization. - New functionality added to HOSPA_Parameters: - The_Initial_Assignment : States which kind of initial assignment HOSPA will perform : PD,NPD,USER. Includes Getter and Setter functions. - HOSPA_will_Iterate : States if HOSPA will stop after the initial assignment, so no further optimization iterations will be performed. Useful to perform a PD or NPD assignment. Includes Getter and Setter functions. - Stop_Factor_When_Not_Schedulable : States a response time limit by which if reached, the task analysis will stop. Includes Getter and Setter functions. - Mast_analysis command line parameters changes to accomodate new functionality: - New parameters : -f, -stop_factor, -l, -local - Integration of analysis for heterogeneous distributed systems : holistic, offset_based, offset_based_optimized - Integration of optimization tools for distributed systems : hospa, pd, np, annealing (Annealing only for homogeneous systems) Version --------------- This version introduces the following major changes with new tools and improved reporting of results: - Implementation of the function: function Has_Timing_Requirements return Boolean in: mast-tools When using MAST as an analysis tool for our system, if we include tasks without hard timing requirements, the tool enters in a quasi-infinite loop when it tries to calculate the system slack. This function checks if the task has any of the following hard timing requirements: Hard_Global_Deadline Hard_Local_Deadline Max_Output_Jitter If it does, then it returns True, if it doesn't, then it returns False. Before the tools starts calculating the slack, this function is called and if the returned value is False then it exits the procedure without calculating the slack value. We implement one function in each procedure that calculates slacks, so we have four different functions: function System_Has_Timing_Requirements return Boolean in: procedure Calculate_System_Slack function Transaction_Has_Timing_Requirements (Trans_Ref : in Mast.Transactions.Transaction_Ref) return Boolean in: procedure Calculate_Transaction_Slack function Processing_Resource_Has_Timing_Requirements (Res_Ref : in Mast.Processing_Resources.Processing_Resource_Ref) return Boolean in: procedure Calculate_Processing_Resource_Slack function Operation_Has_Timing_Requirements (Op_Ref : in Mast.Operations.Operation_Ref) return Boolean in: procedure Calculate_Operation_Slack - Implementation of the function: function Find_Operation (Op_Origin : in Mast.Operations.Operation_Ref; Op_Dest: in Mast.Operations.Operation_Ref) return Boolean in: mast-tools This function is needed to calculate operation slacks, to check if it is present in another, possibly composite, operation. When calculating the slack operation value, the operation must be a Simple_Operation, but in MAST we can find two other types of operations: the Composite_Operation and the Enclosing_Operation, and all of these types can be referenced by the same variable. This function checks that the references to the input operations are pointers to the same operation. It is also a recursive function: If any of the referenced operation isn't a Simple_Operation, then the function is called again to check all the operations included in the enclosing or composite operation. The function Find_Operation: - compares the two input operations, when both are Simple_Operation type and then if they are the same, then it returns True. - compares the two input operations, when any of the input operations are Enclosing_Operation type or Composite_Operation type, then the function checks the list of operations and calls the function again on each one. It returns true if it finds the Op_Origin operation inside Op_Dest at least once, and false if it does not find it. - Implementation of the transactions that characterize the RT-EP driver activity in: mast-linear_translation We implemented the transactions that describe the internal activity of the RT-EP driver. Those transactions are introduced to our system every time we add a RT-EP driver in the network processor. - Implementation of the transactions that characterize the Coupled model for each type of driver (Packet_Driver, Character_Packet_Driver and RT-EP_Packet_Driver) in: mast-linear_translation In the Coupled model, a message send and a message receive operation are attached to the transaction that causes the transmission. We need to add two new tasks to the system, one before the transmission, that executes the send operation, and one after the transmission, that executes the receive operation. In order to add those tasks, we create a new type of object: Kind_Of_Processor is (None, Processor, Network) When the tool is translating the system, it checks the kind of processor that the activity has, and it is stored in: Current_Proc_Kind : Kind_Of_Processor and the reference to that processor is stored in: Proc_Ref : Mast.Processing_Resources.Preocessing_Resource_Ref -> if it is a Processor Network_Proc_Ref: Mast.Processing_Resources.Preocessing_Resource_Ref ->if it is a Network We also need the kind of processing resource of the previous activity in order to compare both, we store it in: Prev_Proc_Kind : Kind_Of_Processor We add a task that executes the send operation to the corresponding driver in the List_Of_Driver of the network when Prev_Proc_Kind = Processor and Current_Proc_Kind = Network. We add a task that executes the receive operation to the corresponding driver in the List_Of_Drivers of the network when Prev_Proc_Kind = Network and Current_Proc_Kind = Processor. - Added the Scale_Factor calculation for each operation that forms the enclosing operation in: mast-operations We check if the operations in the List_Of_Operations in the Enclosing_Operation object are Simple_Operation types, when they are, the procedure Scale is called: procedure Scale (Op : in out Simple_Operation; Normalized_Execution_Time) - Added the Processing Resource Utilization calculation in the MAST results file, and in the console output in: mast-tools mast-miscelaneous_tools mast-restrictions - Added the holistic analysis techniques for distributed systems scheduled under EDF (with local and global scheduling deadlines). We introduced two new tools: Holistic_Global_EDF_Analysis Holistic_Local_EDF_Analysis in: mast-tools mast-linear_analysis_tools For the moment, these tools do not allow shared resources, as calculating blocking times in this case is still an open issue in scheduling theory (to the best of our knowledge). - Added HOSDA, PD and NPD algorithms for global and local scheduling deadline assignment. We introduced the following tools: Global_HOSDA Local_HOSDA Proportional_Global_Deadline_Assignment Proportional_Local_Deadline_Assignment Normalized_Global_Deadline_Assignment Normalized_Local_Deadline_Assignment in: mast-tools mast-linear_deadline_assignment_tools mast-linear_local_deadline_assignment_tools mast-linear_global_deadline_assignment_tools - Renamed Package HOPA_Parameters to HOSPA_Parameters ; Heuristic Optimized Scheduling Parameters Assignment parameters, for HOPA and HOSDA algorithms. - Added Set_Stop_Factor_When_Not_Schedulable parameter support into HOSPA_Parameters package. This new parameter is used as a stopping factor in the Holistic analysis techniques for EDF distributed systems (Holistic_Global_EDF_Analysis and Holistic_Local_EDF_Analysis). - Added support to show the processing resource utilization result in the output file. In order to do that, we changed more than one MAST package: in mast-miscelaneous_tools, we modify the procedure Calculate Processing_Resource_Utilization by storing the utilization result in its corresponding variable: The_Utilization_Result. in mast-parser: we had the variable Detailed_Utilization_Result as the only parameter in which we could store the utilization result. Now we added the parameter: The_Utilization_Result, that we use in the previous package. - Added support to get the slacks results of the system even if the utilization is greater than 100%. In order to do so, we needed to modify the following MAST packages: in mast-restrictions: we added the calculus of the processing resource utilization to the procedure Max_Processor_Utilization. When the utilization is above 100% and the Verbose option is set to True, we added a warning message to be shown on the screen. And we also set the response and jitter times of the system equal to Large_Time. We want to point with that that the analysis hasn't been done yet. We also set the result values in the corresponding records. We also added a new boolean variable to the heading of these two procedures: Max_Processor_Utilization and Feasible_Processing_Load. This new variable, called Calculate_Processing_Resource_Utilization will be set to True in the analysis package, when the final analysis is invoked. in mast-tools: we removed the restriction that checks the system utilization in all the analysis procedures: Classic_RM_Analysis, Holistic_Analysis, Holistic_Global_EDF_Analysis, Holistic_Local_EDF_Analysis, Offset_Based_Analysis, Offset_Based_Optimized_Analysis. in mast-analysis: when the system is only checking the restrictions of the system, we check whether the system utilization is above 100%,; if so, we add a warning and an exception message saying the utilization is too high, but we allow the analysis to continue in order to calculate the slacks. When the final invocation of the analysis is made, we check the utilization again, but this time when it exceeds 100% we print on the screen and report on the output file the results of the slacks and the utilization results. Version ---------------- This version introduces the following changes: - corrected a bug in the generation of models for the RT-EP driver - made the calculation of slack times faster, by stopping the analysis when deadlines are not met; a parameter Stop_Factor_When_Not_Schedulable is passed to the tools for this purpose - added some new restrictions for new tools being added Version --------------- This version eliminates many bugs in the graphical editor for MAST, which is now considered a "beta" version, still under development. Version --------------- This version introduces basic support for the following new modelling elements: - add the RT_EP network driver - add the "message_partitioning" attribute - add a restriction to check the message sizes if the message_partitioning attribute is not set - add the RTA_Overhead_Model attribute However, we still need to change the schedulability analysis tools to take into account these new model elements. This will be released in version 1.3.8. An "alpha" version of a graphical editor for MAST models is also provided with this version (gmasteditor). It should only be used for preliminary evaluation purposes, as it is known to have bugs that may actually destroy the model being edited. We expect version 1.3.8 of MAST to provide a stable version of this tool. Version 1.3.7 ------------- This version introduces the new xml input format, with conversion programs from the original text format to xml and bak. Three XML schemas are created to describe MAST elements: Mast_Model.xsd : described the format of a MAST model Mast_Result.xsd: describes the format of the results of a MAST analysis tool Mast_Trace.xsd: describes the format of a trace results file coming out from the Mast_Sim simulator. Version 1.3.6 ------------- This version introduces the hierarchical schedulers in the real-time model. It does so by separating from the old "processing_resource" model the concept of the primary scheduler, and by defining another object, the secondary scheduler, which van run on any desired scheduler through a scheduling server. See the mast model documentation for additional information. This version also introduces earliest deadline first (EDF) schedulers and the stack resource protocol (SRP) synchronization policy for shared objects. Several new analysis tools are introduced: - EDF_Monoprocessor_Analysis For single processor systems with and EDF scheduler (also supporting fixed priority interrupts) - EDF_Within_Priorities_Analysis For systems with a fixed priority primary scheduler and one or more EDF secondary schedulers - Deadline Assignment For EDF tasks, it assigns the scheduling deadlines equal to the deadlines specified as timing requirements, and assigns the task preemption levels according to the correrct order (by deadline minus release jitter in reverse order) In this version we have improved the offset_based analysis, using the results of Ola Redell in his thesis Other minor changes: - Change the graphical gmast tool driver and the results viewer to GtkAda 2.x - Introduce additional restrictions to be used in the new tools: - EDF_Only - EDF_Within_Priorities_Only - Flat_FP_Or_EDF_Only - PCP_SRP_Or_Priority_Inheritance_Only - SRP_Only - SRP_Or_PCP_Only - Change the names of some tools: Offset_Based_Unoptimized_Analysis => Offset_Based_Analysis Offset_Based_Analysis => Offset_Based_Optimized_Analysis Linear_Simulated_Annealing_Priority_Assignment => Linear_Simulated_Annealing_Assignment Multiple_Event_Simulated_Annealing_Priority_Assignment => Multiple_Event_Simulated_Annealing_Assignment Calculate_Ceilings_For_PCP_Resources => Calculate_Ceilings_And_Levels - Make the processor and network be abstract types and create a concrete Regular_Processor and Packet_Based_Network - Allow driver scheduling servers to be referenced by name - Allow network operations to specify time as number of bytes - Changed the processor, network and scheduler overheads from the Time type to Normalized_Execution_Time - Show the system schedulability status in the results viewer, even if no slacks were calculated - Enhanced the priority assignment tools - Do not allow viewing results if tool=parser - Added the "system_pip_behaviour" attribute to the model attributes to specify the priority inheritance behaviour: Strict, or POSIX. Version 1.2.2 ------------- This version fixes a bug in the offset-based analysis technique. Thanks to Ola Redell for catching it. Version 1.2 ----------- This version introduces support for analysis of linear systems with offsets, delays, or rate divisors. The tools supporting these features are the linear analysis tools (offset-based, and holistic) This version adds the following tools: Classic_RM_Analysis Varying_Priorities_Analysis This tool introduces a new format for the results, and a gui tool to view those results (gmastresults) Other changes introduced: Added the Permanent_Overridden_Scheduling_Parameters object, to represent the case in which an operation changes its priority to a given value, but does not return to the previous value at the end of the operation. This new part of the model is analyzable with the Varying_Priorities_Analysis tool. Added the processing resource slacks and the operation slacks. Supported Tools --------------- All restrictions All consistency checks Classic_RM_Analysis Varying_Priorities_Analysis Holistic_Analysis Offset_Based_Unoptimized_Analysis Offset_Based_Analysis Calculate_Blocking_Times Calculate_Ceilings_For_PCP_Resources Calculate_Transaction_Slack Calculate_System_Slack Graphical driver for analysis tool Monoprocessor_Priority_Assignment Linear_HOPA Linear_Simulated_Annealing Graphic Results Display Unsupported tools ----------------- Multiple_Event_Analysis Multiple_Event_HOPA Multiple_Event_Simulated_Annealing_Priority_Assignment Monoprocessor_Simulation Distributed_Simulation Graphic Input Editor Version 1.1 ----------- This version adds the following tools: Monoprocessor_Priority_Assignment Linear_HOPA Linear_Simulated_Annealing Changes introduced: Added the "preassigned" field to scheduling parameters and immediate_ceiling shared resources, to allow the designer to specify which priorities are to be assigned or preserved. Supported Tools --------------- All restrictions All consistency checks Holistic_Analysis Offset_Based_Unoptimized_Analysis Offset_Based_Analysis Calculate_Blocking_Times Calculate_Ceilings_For_PCP_Resources Calculate_Transaction_Slack Calculate_System_Slack Graphical driver for analysis tool Monoprocessor_Priority_Assignment Linear_HOPA Linear_Simulated_Annealing Version 1.0 ------------ This is the first "alpha" version for distribution. Supported Tools --------------- All restrictions All consistency checks Holistic_Analysis Offset_Based_Unoptimized_Analysis Offset_Based_Analysis Calculate_Blocking_Times Calculate_Ceilings_For_PCP_Resources Calculate_Transaction_Slack Calculate_System_Slack Graphical driver for analysis tool