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Extension of the MAST methodology to modular systems

Table of Contents


Mod-MAST is an extension of the MAST modelling methodology that allows building the real-time model of complex systems, i.e. systems that are built with a modular structure, by composing the partial models of the hardware and software modules that form them.

The Mod-MAST methodology can be applied in the following cases: 

Mod-MAST Extensions

Mod-MAST extends MAST in four different aspects:

Model Descriptor / Model Instance

The Mod-MAST methodology is based on the dual concept of Model Descriptor and Model Instance:

Metamodel and W3G-Schemas

Mod-MAST models are formulated according to a UML metamodel that defines the available modelling primitives and their relations. The metamodel structure is shown below. Besides, a set of W3G-Schema templates have been defined in order to support models formulated using XML technology. These templates constitute an alternative and equivalent Mod_MAST metamodel.

Mod-MAST metamodel

Mod-MAST UML metamodel:
Mod-MAST W3G-Schemas:
  • "rtmBasicTypes.xsd": W3G-Schema with the XML definition of the basic data types.
  • "rtmContainers.xsd":W3G-Schema with the XML definition of the reusable models.
  • "rtmParameterizedTypes.xsd": W3G-Schema with the XML definition of the MAST types extended to support parameterization.
  • "rtmResources.xsd": W3G-Schema with the XML definition of the platform resource models.
  • "rtmSystem.xsd": W3G-Schema with the XML definiton of a modular real-time system.
  • "rtmUsages.xsd": W3G-Schema with the XML definition of the usages and operations that can be included in a model descriptor.
  • "rtmWorkload.xsd": W3G-Schema with the XML definition of the types used to describe workloads of an application.

Mod-MAST Main Elements

The real-time model descriptor of a software module is one of the container elements defined in Mod-MAST. The model descriptor of a software module must describe in a reusable manner all the information about the timing behaviour of the module required to build the real-time model of any application in which it can be used, which includes:
The analysis and design tools provided by MAST are applied to each real-time situation that a system may have. So, the model of an entire system is formed by the model of the system itself (applications and platform) and the model of all its real-time situations.


In Mod-MAST, these elements are defined as follows: 

Analysis and design of Mod-MAST models

Applying the MAST analysis and design tools on a real-time system modelled with Mod-MAST requires a previous transformation of the model, which generates its equivalent MAST model.  This transformation is carried out by a tool called MM2M_Compiler (ModMAST to MAST Compiler)

MM2M_Compiler is delivered as an Eclipse plug-in that works on an Eclipse project with a predefined structure. A project template is provided together with the plug-in in the following .zip file (a pdf with installation instructions is also provided):

Mod-MAST models of the ScadaExample

The following files form the Mod-MAST model of the ScadaExample system:

They are also included in the Eclipse project provided with the MM2M_Compiler tool: