Modeling and Analysis Suite for Real-Time Applications

Table of Contents

MAST is now available. This version introduces basic support for the following new modelling elements:
However, we still need to change the schedulability analysis tools to take into account these new model elements. This will be released in version 1.3.8.

A "beta" version of a graphical editor for MAST models is also provided with this version (gmasteditor). This version is still under development. We expect version 1.3.8 of MAST to provide a stable version of this tool.

Version 1.3.7 introduced the new xml input format, with conversion programs from the original text format to xml and bak. Three XML schemas are created to describe MAST elements:

Version 1.3.6 introduced the hierarchical schedulers in the real-time model. It does so by separating from the old "processing_resource" model the concept of the primary scheduler, and by defining another object, the secondary scheduler, which van run on any desired scheduler through a scheduling server. See the mast model documentation for additional information.

This version also introduced earliest deadline first (EDF) schedulers and the stack resource protocol (SRP) synchronization policy for shared objects.

Several new analysis tools are introduced:


MAST is an open source set of tools that enables modeling real-time applications and performing timing analysis of those applications. The MAST model can be used in a UML design environment to design real-time applications,  representing all the real-time behavior and requirements together with the design information, and allowing an automatic schedulability analysis. Please visit MAST-UML for additional information on this topic.

MAST is still under development. The MAST analysis tools are listed below, with a "*" marking those that are not yet available:

An Event-driven simulation tool is available for version 1.2.2 of MAST from the SIM-MAST page.

The new features that can be found in MAST are the following:


The following documents describing the MAST environment are available:


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