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Modeling and Analysis Suite for Real-Time Applications


Key features

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MAST, incuding offset-based analysis for multipath transactions, is now available!


MAST is an open-source suite of tools to perform schedulability analysis of real-time distributed systems that assesses a rich variety of timing requirements. Via sensitivity analysis, you will know how far or close the system is from meeting those requirements. MAST uses a versatile and composable input model for the real-time behavior of the modules and platforms that form your system.

MAST is distributed under a GPL free software license. For commercial inquiries related to other licenses please contact us.

MAST Tools

A complete set of solutions

From analysis to design and optimization MAST provides a complete set of solutions matching the timing characteristics of the most widely used real-time programming paradigms. Real-time modeling and timing behavior analysis for platforms like Ada, POSIX, or IMA, among many others, are accurately supported in a reusable and efficient way.

Model-based integration

MAST input and output models are fully described by meta-models that enable the integration of tools in a model-driven engineering tool chain compliant with the MARTE industry standard. Design space exploration is aided by monitoring the slacks and launching the tools in a model-based engineering environment. From standard UML/MARTE annotated models to analysis and back.

Make the most of your real-time distributed platform

MAST boosts your distributed platform utilization and identifies bottlenecks by performing sensitivity analysis with the least pessimistic available techniques. Besides the utilizations of the CPUs and networks it reports slacks, which are the percentages by which the execution times of all involved operations may grow while keeping the system schedulable, or should decrease to achieve success.

A fully design-oriented tool

The tools provided in MAST are fast enough to help the designer in the exploration of design alternatives by bringing back useful feedback on the capacities of the system to keep up with more workload, or on the identification of the bottlenecks that tell the designer how much and where to cut in order to reach schedulability.

Application domains

MAST has been successfully exploited in embedded applications across the most demanding real-time systems domains spanning from industrial controllers, telecommunications, automotive, avionics and space.

UML Design environments

The MAST model can be used in a UML design environment to design real-time applications,  representing the real-time behavior and requirements together with the design information, and allowing an automatic schedulability analysis. Please visit MAST-UML for additional information on this topic.


MAST is now available. The main elements introduced by this version with respect to MAST are:
MAST is now available. The main elements introduced by this version with respect to MAST are:
MAST is now available. The main elements introduced by this version with respect to MAST are:
MAST is now available. The main elements introduced by this version with respect to MAST are:
MAST is now available. The main elements introduced by this version with respect to MAST are:

For a more detailed description of the changes introduced please see mast-status.txt.

Go to the downloading section.

MAST model

At the heart of the MAST tool suite lies the MAST model, which describes the timing behavior of a real-time application. The first version of this model (MAST-1) is the one used by the schedulability analysis tools. We are currently evolving into MAST-2, the second version of our model. In this section we describe some important characteristics of both models.


The MAST model includes the possibility of having multipath end-to-end flows where an event flow can be divided into several paths with fork (multicast) or branch (delivery or query server) elements, and paths may be joined with join (barrier) or merge (concentrator) elements. The analysis of these multipath transactions uses both the holistic and offset-based analysis techniques, and is implemented in MAST 1.6 with the following restrictions: the transaction has a single input event and only fork, join and merge elements are supported; branch is not supported, as the current analysis techniques are restricted to deadlines within the periods for this construct.


The MAST-2 model includes all the elements available in MAST-1 but changes some of its names to align them with the MARTE UML profile for real-time embedded systems. In addition, it includes the following new modeling elements:

A metamodel of the MAST-2 model can be found here.

Available tools

The MAST toolset includes the following tools:

MAST tools


The following documents describing the MAST environment are available:


To download, right-click on the link and choose "Save link as"

Binary distributions

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